Hey ya'll! My new name is Kendra Jean Taylor, and I love it! Sometimes I forget it. Anycase, onto the important stuff. We are moving to Hawaii! Isn't that exciting....until I think about moving. But that is a whole month away. Yeah, we are moving in August to Maui. Mike's business buddy got a job offer and is taking us with him. He will be the manager of a construction cleaning crew, and we will be the cleaners...woot. The most awesome part is that rent and food is paid for by the company plus an hourly wage of... are you ready for this.... $10/hour. I know what you are thinking, that sure is alot of money....lol. But in the long run it will set us up financially pocketing between $14,000 and $24,000, which will help pay for my education, especially because we were denied a federal grant (saddness). The only downside is that it puts my graduation off till April 2010...(again saddness).
I can imagine it now. Working from 7am-3pm five days a week (my first full time job) and then going to the beach in the evening....every evening. This is probably a once in a lifetime event for us, when else are we going to be able to live in Hawaii and be paid for it, without children.
With graduation so far away, Mike isn't happy about that because I said that I don't want to be the pregnant mother squeezing into the desks in the class room. But who knows.... ^_^
Right now Mike wants to stay in Hawaii and I would go to BYU Hawaii to finish. I want to come back to Utah and finish here at BYU with the teachers I already know and a course I am familiar with. But again who knows, we stay out there for a long while, or be back in January when it is freezing and feet of snow....
I think that is all for now on our lives. We will keep you updated!
1 week ago
wahoo! don't forget to finish school... very important!! have fun there... I would luv to come and visit... maui is one of my favorite islands....
Nice to meet you, Kendra! Mike is a lucky guy! Hopefully we'll get to meet you in person at the next Chapman reunion.
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