Saturday, August 02, 2008


So I somehow convinced Mike to go wait for two hours and then some for that new vampire book. The only reason we got it at midnight is that our friend is a manager at Barnes and Noble and put my name on the reserved list, and he asked us to come. Anyway, we decided to pass the time by reminicing our dating fun.

Among our favorites were:
Our first meeting. We went and played laser tag with a group of friends, then I tried to watch Casino Royal, but he just wanted to talk to me the whole time. When he decided to take me home, he forgot my name...I laughed ^_^

Our first date. He took me out to eat at his favorite place, Ruby River Steakhouse. He ordered a big steak and I said I would have the same. He was astonished, he thought I didn't know what he ordered. He thought I would get a girly salad....Where's the beef? Then he took me to BYU stadium. He re-enacted all of the famous BYU football plays. I thought he was nuts.

Longboarding down the KOA trail. As we skated down this awesome trail, Mike enjoyed looking at my bum. ^_^

Going to the tumbling gym. I still love to flip as often as possible. Mike decided that he wanted to learn. I took him out to a grassy field and taught him a backhandspring. Now he wanted to do more so we went to open gym at a gymnastics place. He learned a round off back tuck, almost.

Halloween in Kingman. We got all dressed up in as a basketball player and sexy refferee and went out with my family. The best part was during Mike's awesome rendition of Busta Move, Stephen was bustin' our sides with his equally awesome dance moves. ^_^

BYU Homecoming Dance. We got all schnazed up for the formal homecoming dance, all but our awesome matching Converse. We danced the night away to a live band!

...Just to name a few! ^_^

1 comment:

Julie Barnes said...

so I preordered my book like 5 months ago and now it is on BACK ORDER!! So I wont be reading for atleast another week, boo hoo. so NO spoilers! anyhow, love the photos!! Only a few more weeks and you are headed to HAWAII!!