Well, things are looking up. As if they ever were looking down...My financial aide finally came through. Mike is making good money with his DNS job and Dish business. He has a new radiator in his awesome Isuzu Rodeo. I finally have found balance with student, housewife, and normalcy. It has just been a great week. I know that we haven't posted for a while...again, I just figured out how to balance it all. Last week I was working as well. I had a bit of a melt down because I could not do it all. I thought that I could, but if I was to work and go to school, the house would fall into disrepair. At least I think so. Ah well.
So our house has one major snaffoo...it is not spider proof. Over the last week I have seen on average, 1 spider about everyday...and these are not just any regular spiders, they are about the size of a fifty cent piece. And, all of them are the same kind! *shudders* The other day I was making dinner in the kitchen and one just mozied from the bedroom to the hallway. I was going to grab a shoe and squish it, but by the time I found an adequate smashing untensil, I could not find it. So I figured it left...oh no...I soon had to go to the bathroom, and to do so had to walk through that hallway. I searched that carpet to make sure he was gone, and them proceeded. As soon as I set my toes down, I felt it scurry under my foot...*shudders again*
Needles to say, I freaked out and was trapped in the kitchen until Mike came home to convince me that the spider was really gone...I did not believe him. So in a attempt to avoid the clever spider and his camoflage abilities, I tried to meneuver thr liveing room avoiding the carpet. On one such instince, as I leapt from the computer chair to te couch, the subwoofer attacked my toe. It left a pretty deep gouge. I thought. "oh its just a scratch," but as the blood didn't stop, I thought otherwise. And, of course, I have no idea where the bandaides are packed...now this may sound surprising to some of you because I always have bandaides because things like this are frequent in nature. So after minutes of bleeding we located the bandaides and taped up my toe. Now Mike says my cut looks like a halloween scar.
That is my exciting week...yup. ^_^
1 week ago
sounds like an awesome week... espeically now since you have some extra cash in your pocket! Hurray! I am sure you are very happy about that! Well good luck with your classes. I found out Monday I have kidney stones! boo hoo!
Hey mike and kendra!
Mike- thanks for hooking us up with DISH! We love it and are happy to have a source of viewing the out side world!
We'll be ready for the second tv hook up sometime next week! Hope you guys are having a great week!
Good luck with those spiders. BTW, I am aly, one of the people that hung out with Mike, Aaron and Nate when they were in Cali a few years ago. You guys are so cute in all your pictures. If you 2 are ever in Salt Lake, give us a call!
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