October was a good month. General confrence, and my primary program were awesome. As I sat there and lead the children in the songs, and listened to their testimonies I wondered how anyone couldn't feel the spirit in the room. And watching their cute little faces I thought about having one of my own. And in general conference I got that same feeling. But I now have a dog so I am at peace with my motherly desires at the moment. Bosco is growing fast. He goes in spurts, he gets fat then long and repeats. HE is a frisky puppy, he loves attacking your shoes as you try try to put them on. He loves playing in the leaves in front of our apt. I love this video it makes me smile everytime I see it!
We also hosted a murder mystery party. I was a blast an d I am a magician. For those of you who know just how small our living room is, I managed to fit three couches plus a table and a chest in the there with litk13 perople....I am glad no one was clostraphobic! ^_^

Thats about all thets new for us last month, so for now bye-bye and we will write soon! ^_^
wow 13 people in your living room that's awesome..
I like the black curly hair by the way...
Good thing you have Bosco to pour your motherly instinct..I just play and babysitt some of my friends baby or J...
cute puppy!! We are jealous! love the costumes!
Kendra- where do you guys live?! O can't tell you how much it looks like our first apartment...
Bosco is so cute!!! Turbo was the same way when he was a baby...he LOVES shoes, and socks. He still hasn't grown out of it :) It sounds like your party was fun too!
Hi Mike and Kendra!
Would you guys mind sending me your home address so we can send you guys a Christmas card this year? You can send the email to emslies {at} me.com. Thanks, guys!
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